Chef Corrigan’s rural farm upbringing has shaped the way he approaches a kitchen, instilling an unpretentious respect for seasonal good food with a disdain for anything going to waste, as he knows the hard graft that goes into producing it.
From finned to feathered, grown to gathered, every bit of produce that enters the kitchens across the Corrigan Collection is from a hand-selected artisan producer who the chefs can be sure care as much as they do.
“We understood the land and the food it gave is, where everything we ate was produced simply and tasted of what it should”
Art at every turn. In front of our @degournay wall coverings, a bust of Dame Elisabeth Frink, by Robert Clatworthy, 1983.
Frink emerged as a prominent British sculptor, gaining acclaim for her work as a figurative sculptor within the post-war movement recognized as the `Geometry of Fear` school. Her artistic repertoire encompassed a diverse range, featuring depictions of men, birds, dogs, horses, and religious motifs, with a noticeable scarcity of female forms. Delving into sculpture, lithography, and etching, Frink`s creations drew inspiration from archetypal representations of masculine strength, struggle, and aggression, establishing her as a distinctive artist in the post-war era.

The only dry we like in January is our Martini.
Kick off your 2024 in grand style, perched high above the majestic London skyline with a Martini in hand.
Our Salt & Vinegar Martini. Sapling Gin, Noilly Prat, Brine and Saline.

We`ve had so much fun with you all the last six months, and can`t wait to see many more of you in 2024. Some snapshots from last nights celebrations - we are wishing you the happiest of New Years 🤍

@secretsmokehouse Salmon, with Salmon Mousse, Kohlrabi and Apple. Some light refreshment after a week of indulgence.

It doesn`t matter what day it is, all that matters is that we`ve got your favourite drink, just how you like it. Take a seat at The Portrait Bar.

“An absolutely cracking new restaurant up on the top floor. Some top-quality materials, highest-level craft skills and inspired creativity.”
– Financial Times, Tim Hayward